Fabric: linen 32 ct Burnt Sand by Mani di DonnaStitch count: 128 X 133 Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites (DMC Conversion inside)1826 Galley Gold , 1005 Black, 1039 True Red, 1070 Gold, 1071 Off White, …

Fabric: linen 32 ct Burnt Sand by Mani di DonnaStitch count: 128 X 133 Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites (DMC Conversion inside)1826 Galley Gold , 1005 Black, 1039 True Red, 1070 Gold, 1071 Off White, …
Fabric: linen 32 ct Burnt Sand by Mani di DonnaStitch count : 123 X 49 Threads: Weeks Dye Works (DMC Conversion inside)1127 Skinny Dip, 3910 Mascara, 2219 Whiskey, 1330 Baked Apple,1083 Bashful, 2194 Lily Pad, …
Fabric: linen 32 ct Frog Gray by Mani di DonnaFabric size: Half Yard Stitch count: Lid 63 X 63Drawer 59 X 24 Threads Belle Soie Classic Colorworks(DMC Conversion inside)064 Lily Pad, 084 Paprika, 017 Noir
Fabric linen 32 ct Cocoa linen by Weeks Dye WorksStitch Count: Each side of the biscornu is 59 X 59 ( total of 8 sides ) Threads: Classic Colorworks (DMC Conversion inside)198 Stepping Stones, 155 …
The America Seasons patterns are sold as a single chart one for each season but it is possible to embroider all the charts together and the pattern with the Declaration can be downloaded for free …
The America Seasons patterns are sold as a single chart one for each season but it is possible to embroider all the charts together and the pattern with the Declaration can be downloaded for free …
The America Seasons patterns are sold as a single chart one for each season but it is possible to embroider all the charts together and the pattern with the Declaration can be downloaded for free …
The America Seasons patterns are sold as a single chart one for each season but it is possible to embroider all the charts together and the pattern with the Declaration can be downloaded for free …
Fabric: linen 32 ct Frog Gray by Mani di DonnaStitch count : 133 X 46 Threads: Weeks Dye Works (DMC Conversion inside)1107 Cattall, 1300 Seagull, 1330 Baked Apple, 1331 Brick, 1326 Rust, 2110 Jay Bird, …
Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa linen by Weeks Dye WorksStitch count: 179 X 141 Threads: DMC931, 3721, Ecru, 310, 729, 3346, 3822 Pom pom Trim by Mani di Donna
Fabric: 32 ct Linen color Linen from Weeks Dye WorksStitch Count: 40 X 40 and 70 X 30 Threads: DMC321, 3778, 758, 543, 3841, 310
Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa Weeks Dye WorksStitch Count: 141 X 68 Threads: Classic Colorworks ( DMC Conversion inside)222 Honeycomb, 256 Lighthouse,251 Autumn Spice, 144 Just Rust, 164 Blackbird, 139 Eve’s Leaves, 243 Wagon Wheel, …